Thursday, July 18, 2013

where I stand ..... and all that,

previously, in my last blog....."I know where I stand....."

when preachers preach or teach on salvation, more often than not, they are referring to "eternal salvation" which is that salvation which Jesus Christ secured for sinners on the cross with His own blood.

And every last one of these preachers will say that this salvation is all grace plus zero, and many a preacher would accentuate that statement with a loud smack on the pulpit with either his hand, or the Bible he had been waving around dangerously close to falling apart in the air.

And as if to drive the point further, his face would be all deadly serious, often with eyebrows touching or near touching, and after the smack, a long pause while his piercing eyes survey the crowd as if to say, "anyone care to say otherwise" ?

Then, he begins to say otherwise.

By issuing the "altar call", with a quavering, pleading voice asking the sinner, that grieving, Holy Spirit-touched sinner to come forward to the altar and "accept Christ as His personal Savior".

Now, why is this "otherwise" ?

Because for grace to be grace, it is all grace PLUS ZERO.  Which is what they said in the first place, so now how can this salvation be all grace if you can't have it UNLESS you repent and come forward and accept Christ as your personal Savior ?

Now, if it is all of grace plus zero, then this eternal salvation is all the work of God, and God alone, through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, with no demands from the sinner, otherwise the grace is tainted with the sinner's act and is no longer grace PLUS nothing, are you with me ?

But the argument I gave above are simply dismissed as "old hat", especially to the ThD's and the MTh's with their expertise on Koine Greek and Hebrew and is easily dismissed as a hyper- this or the other, and that faith is not works and all those and all these, and that anyone who dares say that nothing is demanded on the sinner's part is either espousing the heresy of antinomianism or simply misled by "false teachers".

Back for more later.
Gotta drive to the metro station and pick up my tired, but, lovely wife.

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