Friday, July 19, 2013

......people are dying and going to hell ....... ?????

Well, here's a quote from Mr. Bob Jones III.
Yeah, THE Bob Jones of the Bob Jones University.
And nah, he wasn't the founder of the university, that was his grandfather.
He was its 3rd president.
At least that's what wikipedia said.
And this is what he, Mr. Jones III, said:
The most sobering reality in the world today is that people are dying and going to Hell today 
- Bob Jones III 
Now, what is wrong with that picture ?
Is there even anything wrong with that picture.
Well, my answer to that is, yes, there is plenty wrong with it.
It is a picture, a portrait, a presentation of a Sovereign God, who created worlds and universes simply by speaking, but is a total, abject, failure in His purposes to save sinners from their fallen state and  thus redeem them to his Holy Presence in heaven.
Because, think about it, according to Mr. Bob Jones III, people are dying and going to hell, today.
So, basically, this statement is saying that God stepped out of eternity, into time, in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, who was miraculously born of a virgin, a birth announced by angels to shepherds, in a very timely manner saved from the greed and ambition of Herod, grew up a fine, strong, young man with the same trade as His foster father, Joseph, that of carpentry, was baptized by John, another persona prophesied about in Scripture, gathered apostles, went about doing good and preaching the Kingdom of God, was betrayed into the hands of religious and political people, crucified and murdered, when ALL His enemies could find no fault in Him, even Pontius Pilate admitted as much, remained dead in the tomb for 3 days, then resurrected by the Power of the Third Person of the Godhead, seen alive by more than 500 witnesses for 40 days, then ascended into heaven, said He is coming back, sent out His apostles, ALL of whom were not seminary graduates and all of whom were lowly fishermen with one tax collector, and from that nucleus grew a body of faith known by its various branches in every corner of the world collectively as Christianity.
If that is not power, tell me what it is.
If that is not God's working, tell me whose it is.
And people are going to Hell, today, according to Bob Jones III.
I heard a radio preacher say basically the same thing in a prayer.
All I can say is, this mindset is blasphemous.
Check back and I'll show you, BY SCRIPTURE, why so.

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